Sunday, August 01, 2010

tracking Muslim funding of "causes"

It is funny that some Washington, DC bureaucrats think that they can really manage and monitor Muslim funds around thew world. I went into a pharmacy here in Beirut, and I see a big collection jar filled with money and on it is only written "Muslim causes." I asked the pharmacist: but what are the Muslim causes? He said: there are many. I said: I know, that is why I am asking. He said: well, there are several good Muslim causes to contribute to. I said: I know, that is why I am asking but which one are those money going to? He said: oh, only the good ones. Only the good ones. I kid you not. I saw similar collection jars with such dubious names in several places around the city. It is funny that the US government thinks that it can know all about the Arab world merely by talking to the sons of Zayid and those ilk.